Our plan for the next two years will allow us to set priorities, focus energy, talent and resources, while supporting our mission and measuring success. Equally important, our plan will also ensure we involve and communicate with all members, community partners and key stakeholders as appropriate and consistent with our Mission, Vision and Values.
We have followed best-practice methods for developing and implementing our plan. This included a structured four-step process using widely accepted strategic management tools and frameworks. To be specific:
- We have reviewed as a Board of Directors and Operating Leadership the Mission, Vision and Values and believe these documents reflect our aspirations, articulate our shared values, and will guide our conduct.
- We have conducted a current state analysis and assessment known as a SWOT analysis; Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats and have formulated our plans consistent with this analysis and assessment.
- We have translated our goals and aspirations into actionable steps with linkage to financial responsibility, growth and community engagement, and measurable operating excellence performance standards.
- We have developed an internal and external communications plan and performance management criteria using a balanced scorecard. Your help in our continued success of supporting this historic site and ensuring we have meaningful programs that meet the needs of current and future members and visitors is critical to our success. I know we can count on you as we move forward.
To insure this plan is a living document, each strategy and the related action steps, will be reviewed with the responsible strategy owner and the board sponsor at the end of each fiscal quarter. Our fiscal year runs from January 1 through December 31. In closing, we are excited, encouraged and engaged in our strategic efforts committed in this plan. I hope to see you in the very near future and we can continue the dialogue and discuss our plan, as well as the aspirations that shaped and guided its creation.